From Worry to Wholeness – A simple technique of what to do when someone you love is struggling When you are fearful and don’t know what to do, then worrying is often the outcome. It feels more active than being afraid or anxious. It may give you the sense that you are doing something when you really feel powerless to do anything. The downside is that it tends to perpetuate further feelings of fear, anxiety and worry as you run through possible outcomes, which usually fall under worse case scenarios. To go from this state, to not worrying, is often unrealistic in the moment.
We all connect energetically, and then, physically. Most of us are not conscious of this order of events. Knowing this, can assist with a better use of time, than worrying, when feeling powerless. This technique can be useful if there is someone in your life that feels beyond your reach and entrenched in, what is perceived as, a self destructive behaviour. The norm is to see this person as having issues and in need of fixing. Holding this image of them resonates with the not enough, shameful or guilty feelings that they may have about themselves. The interactions, that typically follow, aren’t positive or constructive, as you both intersect in fear. When there is no communication occurring, or negative interactions, then it may be useful to take a break from whatever method you are using to talk to the person, and instead focus on engaging on the energetic level. Begin by doing your best to move into a space of congruency with your self to Self to All (previous articles speak to this). If the worry prevents you from going right into that space then intend or visualize your self and the other person as your energetic selves. You may see each of you as you are, or orbs of light, or any other form or idea that comes to you. To the best of your ability, under whatever circumstances may be present, see them as whole in this form, not broken or in need of fixing. Hold a space of wholeness and compassion for them to energetically breathe into. Send them an energy of loving acceptance as they are, in that moment, not if and when. This is understandably challenging when you know or can see them struggling and in pain. However, one of the most powerful things that you can do for another is to see them as whole, and in turn, compassionately assist in envisioning or intending this space of healing, where they can begin to attune to their unconditionally loving higher Self/ core essence. Feel free to communicate with the other in this energetic form. Trust what you sense. There may be fluctuations or days where it feels as if the energy between you is flowing, and other days when you may feel as if you are hitting a brick wall. In the case of the latter, feel free to gently send accepting loving energy and see/ intend for it to softly encompass the other and be there for when they are open to allowing it. The more you work with the person(s) you have chosen, in this manner, the more you may be surprised with what starts to happen in your actual physical level interactions. There are other aspects of this process of functioning as a multidimensional being to work with another on a number of levels to create shifting and movement. However, exploring and practicing this one will allow for the opportunity to engage without the usual resistances.
How to Use the Awareness of the Image that You Project to Enhance Your Experiences (Part I) The clues of how to change your undesirable patterns are within your interactions with others. There is a myriad of ways to explore your self, your relationships and your experiences. Whether it’s projection, mirroring, or alignment/ congruency, essentially, they all end up meaning the same thing. However, different ways of viewing the self will resonate differently from one person to the next. Are you aware of what image you hold of your self? Your core essence always sees you as nothing but absolutely lovable. When you are open to seeing your self that way then you feel good due to you being attuned to your self, Self and All. You are in a space of allowance and receptivity which translates into enjoyable and desirable experiences. The image you project and see mirrored back is one of which is to your liking. You find that you feel loved and are loving. However, when you are trying to make some ‘not enough’ version of your self true, then you will experience unpleasantness in regard to how you feel about your self, the types of experiences you have, and how others see you (or essentially what they are mirroring back to you). It really does become a distorted house of mirrors once you begin to understand that how you see another person has its roots in how you perceive your self. In addition, how they see you is a reflection of how they are holding themselves. It could be things such as judgment, acceptance, allowance, blame or acknowledgement. Whatever it may be, it’s not always a straight across clear reflection. For example, if you are judging someone for being selfish, it is highly likely that the resentment you are feeling toward them is due to your not taking time for your self or acknowledging your self in some way or area of your life. It is one of the possible ways to begin to shift into more desirable patterns by creating awareness around, and discerning, what your experiences mean. An element of this process may include identifying for what you are judging or blaming someone else. Put a ‘label’ on it, for example, abusive, thoughtless, coldhearted, and then explore how that might relate to some way that you are interacting with your self. If you identify someone as abusive, then you are feeling as if you are a victim. This doesn’t necessarily mean that you are being abusive to someone else, however, it may suggest that you are punishing your self, in some way, for some “not enoughness,’ of which you may or may not be consciously aware. It will usually be associated with some old belief that is now creating limitations and feelings of powerlessness/ victim. It is not to suggest that the person isn’t being abusive, as they probably are, however, the bigger question is why are you having that particular interaction with that person at that time? Once you get a handle on working with your experiences in this way, then it may be part of one of the methods to assist you in beginning to realize how you can influence your life in ways that you truly desire. An Expression of Your Self Which Has Never Been Lived Before You have been calibrating and there have been a number of subtle attunements occurring on many levels. Your cells have been acclimatizing to new energies that you are in touch with and bringing into being. The changing frequencies on the planet and the changing frequencies within your beings are allowing for more so of an ability to bring into form energies that have not been on the planet previously. It means an expression of self that has never been seen or experienced in your forms before. It seems as if it would be an absolutely easy and natural thing for most humans to be them selves, however, it has become a convoluted struggle filled process for most. It is not unreasonable to need assistance with the process and application of the expanded expression of who you are.
It is encouraged to engage in a daily practice of awareness and increasing receptivity. It is recognized how easy it is, with a human physiology, to fall back into patterns and habits of old beliefs, even when the belief has been released. It is somewhat akin to injuring, or losing a limb. Initially, there is still the inclination to do things in the manner in which they've always been done, even though it is impossible to do so in quite the same way. The brain may even behave as if the limb still exists. It takes practice to integrate and incorporate the new habits of a different belief and way of being. The current reality, when not being fully enjoyed, can be a strong deterrent in being able to fix your focus on what you desire, as well as, become a strong enforcer of doubt. When in pursuit of one's desirings, doubt is often given too much power as a purveyor of verity. If you have been enjoying a segment of your time, and doubt starts to creep in about the love, goodness or abundance lasting, then it is an indication that a limiting belief is in play creating a schism between who you really are and how you think you should be. This incongruency of self with Self always feels unpleasant and is a signal that your thoughts and ensuing emotions are heading in a direction of resistance and struggle. For many on the planet, enjoyment and suffering have been intertwined, due to the belief that enjoyment can only come out of pain. It is seen as a reward or relief, rather than a state unto itself. So many on the Earth plane are not aware of, and do not practice, change as a functional state of evolution. The motivation for changing beliefs and behaviours typically come out of some version of unhappiness with the current state of affairs. There often needs to be a strong or intensely unpleasant catalyst for you to really begin to transform some element of your selves or your lives in order for an easing to occur. In this case, doubt can play a pivotal role for the better, if it is used as an encouragement to question the beliefs that have resulted in unwanted themes of experiences in your life. The current shifts are allowing for the possibility of more ease than ever before in living your desires. This works in conjunction with your growing awareness that upon which you focus creates your experience. Once you have fully recognized that your experiences are based on what YOU are vibrating, then the world is your oyster, as the saying goes. There is still the wanting to argue for your limitations by wanting to present proof of why that isn't so and that the real culprits of unpleasantness are the others in your lives. There has been centuries worth of unnecessary struggle due to seeing an other (including a godhead) as the limiter or purveyor of goodness in one's life. It has been one of the longest held and most largely perpetuated disempowering myths on the planet. The ongoing belief in, and the challenging of, is currently being played out in so many ways within your current timeline upon the Earth plane. Do not wait for the other shoe to drop, as there does not have to be one. Be aware of your expectations, especially during this delicate time of new growth. With practice it becomes the norm to expect the best, because the more you expect it, the more it is so, until it just is. There is a frisson of wanting to doubt what is changing and what is possible and the encouragement is to 'stay the course' which you have begun. It is important to nurture the growing trust of your selves and of how creation actually works. Allowing your selves to be loved as who you are has been a challenge as you have been trying to be something you are not. Know that when you are feeling negatively that you are creating a distance between self and Self and diminishing your sense of wholeness and lovability. It is an indication that you are trying to make true something which is not. You are trying to make true, or prove, some story about your self which is not rooted in wholeness. Common story themes include not being enough and therefore not worthy of love. The amount of effort, time and energy that goes into proving and justifying this, or similar stances, never feels good. Explore the various methods that find their way to you, which enhance your ability to be fully you in all of its wondrous wholeness. That you isn't "if and when", it is always right here, right now, ever evolving. Opening to Possibilities or Fighting for Your Limitations? Are you aware of which way you tend to lean?
When presented with possibilities it is often common to look for potential problems. You may find your self believing that it is necessary to identify what is wrong in order to protect your self from some level of unpleasantness. It is normal to believe that in order to move forward you will first need to fix any problems or issues. Chances are that when you are inspired or presented with an idea, that you initially find exciting, you then begin to come up with reasons why it is not possible. “Yah, but……” You may be quite adept at telling others, or your self, why you don’t have enough skill, ability, time, money, or whatever your favourite response to negate a possibility may be. It becomes a habit, and is considered good practice, to identify limitations. Unfortunately, it is typical to put more merit in what is a barrier than a possibility. You can have it all. Sense where you feel that within your being. Take note if your response is an immediate denial of the verity of the statement. You may feel that there is an equilibrium of positivity and negativity, give and take, good and bad, which means that having it all is imbalanced. You may find your self waiting for the other shoe to drop when things are going well or you may feel that in order to have some of the things that you want you have to sacrifice other things. This may be experienced as needing to minimize your self in some way in order to maintain a relationship, whether that be intimate partner, friend, co-worker or employer. In this case, the belief would be that expressing who you are and having something your desire are at odds with one another. Try out the statement that you can absolutely be your s(S)elf and have loving relationships, as well as, all of the abundance that you desire. Know that this can be so because there is a whole entourage of other dimension beings, along with your higher Self/ core essence, that collaborate with you every step of the way. They have a different vantage point than you do and work with that which upon you are focused. In turn, they are able to provide possibilities even better than beyond your best imaginings. However, the key is awareness and conscious choosing of what you want to keep within your view. As you move through your day take note of how often you “yah, but,” negate or limit your self in any way, and how often you choose to see that which is working well, interesting, curious, enjoyable, hopeful, loving and possible. The latter makes it so much easier for your entourage to work with you. It allows more of the doors and pathways to remain open, as to how and when things can appear for you. You really can move into a way of being which is congruent with your Self and your desirings. As with most things, it takes practice for you to eventually easily attune to that which delights you on a more consistent basis. An important aspect of this involves leaving the how up to ‘Them’, and absolutely expecting that ideas, thoughts and inspirations will arrive to inform you of the next step. Opening to Multidimensional Energy Blending Meditation I'm sure many of you have been enjoying the various articles, posts, videos and meditations, from a variety of sources regarding all of the wonderful energies that have been arriving on the planet for a while now.
December 5, 2020 was the peak of one of the new energies that began coming in the evening of December 4. It is a very fine & subtle frequencied energy which will remain on the Earth plane. It is one that will assist in blending & appreciating even more so your sense as a multidimensional being in human form. Through your intention you can tune into this lovely energy or feel free to try the attached meditation. Enjoy your wondrous evolving. Money As An Expression of Love Abundance is one of the frequencies of love and comes to us in many forms. In order to fully appreciate the experience of abundance, it is necessary to be open to receive. Money is one of the expressions of abundance. However, for many the connection to money is often fraught with challenges.
Money is an energy translated into material form. The following questions potentially provide for a beginning exploration of your relationship with money. Take note of what comes to mind. How would you describe your relationship with money? What kind of a partner is it – supportive, tends to abandon you, unreliable, always comes through, gives you whatever you want, never enough, trustworthy or…… ? To have a sense of your relationship with money will assist you with being able to discover your beliefs around currency which will be reflective of your personal sense of value, being enough, and lovability. Do you believe that money comes to you easily or do you have to work hard for it? In turn, does this create judgments and limitations about how it comes to you? If you are wanting money and someone gives or gifts it to you, are you able to open to receive it, or is there guilt about not deserving it because you didn’t work for it? If you have only a few select approved paths that it can come to you (for example working hard or being deserving of it), then it provides resistance for it to appear easily, even though that may be what you actually desire. If it does come easily, but you feel you didn’t earn it, do you feel the need to give it away to worthy causes, still leaving you with not enough? How valuable or worth-y are you? The exploration may eventually bring you to the place of knowing that you need to expand your space of receptivity. One of the ways to do this is to consciously nurture and enhance the relationship of self to Self/ core essence to All. It is in this loving supportive space that it is easiest to open to receive, for there is a knowing that you are loved, loving and valuable in every moment. New beliefs, that are much more in line with your desirings, can be forged. The transition period to do this takes practice and consistency. It may be useful to take a look at the article How to Achieve Lasting Spiritual Change (Part 1) (Your Physiology & The Law of Attraction) from February 7 on Are You Open To Receive? Are you open to abundance however it may come to you, or is there a judgment about how it may appear?
When you desire something, collaborative forces begin to find all possible routes to provide the steps or elements necessary for the creation of that upon which you are focused. The more you are congruent with s(S)elf, the more options for pathways to your desiring that are possible. In this state, you find that inspirations and ideas flow easily as to what your next step may be. Wonderful synchronicities consistently appear to reveal possible directions of creation. What you want actually begins to show up. If you start to doubt that you can have what you want, due to any limiting beliefs, then you begin to disregard the connection to Self, which is always expansive. This begins to close the doors of possibility as you move into a more resistant frequency. Your creative energetic team will continue to find pathways, although, it becomes more limited and takes more time, the more the doubt settles in. They will do their best to find whatever door may be open to deliver whatever possibility is resonant with where you are. These may be the times where the next step looks less than desirous, and yet provides what you need. If there is a belief that you need to earn what you get and that you have to work hard for it, then you’ll mistrust and resist it if it comes to you easily. This concept can apply to anything that may be related to abundance including love, support, or finances. How open are you to receive, and how easily do you receive? On a simplistic level, are you able to fully appreciate a compliment? How do you feel when someone gives you a gift, or does something thoughtful for you, just because? The questions provide some opportunities to begin to explore your relationship with abundance. It is absolutely possible to practice and foster the knowing that you can certainly have whatever it is you desire. The easiest way to accomplish this is to consciously focus on becoming attuned to your higher Self/core essence. This can be done by allowing all that is interesting, curious, good and/or loving. Your Self always loves, supports and is connected to you, and your Self is connected to All. When your self is congruent with your Self, then you are in the frequency of possibilities becoming actualities. In this space of attunement you expect, and then experience, that which you desire without limitation, just because you are you. Trust Your Love, Question Your Doubt
There tends to be a mistrust of all that is good, enjoyable, loving and happy. It is common to say things, such as, ‘enjoy it while it lasts,’ implying that whatever is good is fleeting. When things are going well, with the promise of even better, and doubt starts to creep in you begin to question the situation. Can I really trust this? Are they for real? They’re being too nice, they must want something? The implication is that ‘it’s too good to be true,’ which of course, suggests that good things are not to be trusted. The key to remember is that you’ll always find for what you are looking. There is often more value placed on what is painful or negative than on what is loving. A person can be incredibly loving and supportive for as long as you’ve known them, however, if they lie to you once, then they are never to be trusted again. They must gain your trust by proving their love. There is often a thinking that the person has shown their ‘true colours.’ The focus becomes on the other having to change their behaviour in some way in order to make you feel safe, vindicated, or supported. The question to consider is why did the doubt begin to creep in, in the first place? The tendency is to think that it means some big truth is going to be revealed about the situation or relationship. What it does indicate is that there is a limiting belief around your sense of love which has resulted in having the unpleasant experience that you did. The more awareness that you gain around this, then the more so there is a possibility to change your beliefs and, in turn, the experiences that you have. The person may have done what they did, however, the bigger question is why did you have that particular experience with them. Upon exploration, you’ll eventually find that it is due to a belief that involves a limitation about how much love you’re willing to receive. It may come across in the form of, “you can’t count on anyone but yourself,” or “people always disappoint,” or whatever statements reflect your lack of value, worth and lovability relative to your self in that situation. It would be useful to see your self as your Higher Self/ core essence sees you in order to expand your space of receiving what is good, loving, interesting, curious and joyful. Your Self is always loving, supportive, and encouraging. You are always connected to your Self, however, your self always has the freedom to choose to be congruent with this aspect of Self or not. The less you are attuned to Self, which is connected to All, then the more you experience struggle, pain and unpleasantness. The more you are attuned to Self, then the more you experience joy, love, and your heart’s desirings. Schumann's Resonance One of the myriad of reasons that you might be feeling uncomfortable or out of sync at times, may be due to the shifting consciousness of the Earth and human beings. The Schumann resonance (SR) is the electromagnetic frequency of the Earth. It has typically measured around 7.83 Hz. This also happens to be where our human brain wave frequencies of theta and alpha intersect. These frequencies are experienced during varying levels of relaxation, light sleep or certain forms of meditation. It is in these states that one may have the sensation of being at one with the planet. However, more recently, measurements of the SR show that it has been vibrating more consistently at a higher frequency. As you become more aware of, and in turn embody more so, your multidimensional self, you raise the vibration of your level of consciousness. This allows you to once again be more in sync with the planet's consciousness. During this time of transition for your s(S)elf and the planet, there may be periods of discomfort, feeling ungrounded, and out of sorts. Seek out ways to begin to know your s(S)elf as a multidimensional being to become more congruent with the changing Earth, s(S)elf, others & All. In the meantime, remember that calm is in the exhalation. Breathe in...........breathe out......breathe in deeply..........breathe out slowly. Bring your awareness to the exhalation. Sense the feeling of release, and increasing stillness as you reach the point of emptiness within the lungs. Open to receive, be willing to release.
Multidimensional Musings - The better it gets, The Better It Gets
Elaine Jagielski
February 2024
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