Opening to Possibilities or Fighting for Your Limitations? Are you aware of which way you tend to lean?
When presented with possibilities it is often common to look for potential problems. You may find your self believing that it is necessary to identify what is wrong in order to protect your self from some level of unpleasantness. It is normal to believe that in order to move forward you will first need to fix any problems or issues. Chances are that when you are inspired or presented with an idea, that you initially find exciting, you then begin to come up with reasons why it is not possible. “Yah, but……” You may be quite adept at telling others, or your self, why you don’t have enough skill, ability, time, money, or whatever your favourite response to negate a possibility may be. It becomes a habit, and is considered good practice, to identify limitations. Unfortunately, it is typical to put more merit in what is a barrier than a possibility. You can have it all. Sense where you feel that within your being. Take note if your response is an immediate denial of the verity of the statement. You may feel that there is an equilibrium of positivity and negativity, give and take, good and bad, which means that having it all is imbalanced. You may find your self waiting for the other shoe to drop when things are going well or you may feel that in order to have some of the things that you want you have to sacrifice other things. This may be experienced as needing to minimize your self in some way in order to maintain a relationship, whether that be intimate partner, friend, co-worker or employer. In this case, the belief would be that expressing who you are and having something your desire are at odds with one another. Try out the statement that you can absolutely be your s(S)elf and have loving relationships, as well as, all of the abundance that you desire. Know that this can be so because there is a whole entourage of other dimension beings, along with your higher Self/ core essence, that collaborate with you every step of the way. They have a different vantage point than you do and work with that which upon you are focused. In turn, they are able to provide possibilities even better than beyond your best imaginings. However, the key is awareness and conscious choosing of what you want to keep within your view. As you move through your day take note of how often you “yah, but,” negate or limit your self in any way, and how often you choose to see that which is working well, interesting, curious, enjoyable, hopeful, loving and possible. The latter makes it so much easier for your entourage to work with you. It allows more of the doors and pathways to remain open, as to how and when things can appear for you. You really can move into a way of being which is congruent with your Self and your desirings. As with most things, it takes practice for you to eventually easily attune to that which delights you on a more consistent basis. An important aspect of this involves leaving the how up to ‘Them’, and absolutely expecting that ideas, thoughts and inspirations will arrive to inform you of the next step.
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Elaine Jagielski
February 2024
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