Multidimensionality & DNA UPGRADES You have just begun another DNA upgrade. It is allowing you to more easily tune into your multidimensionality as it expresses through this density. One of the effects is that in each moment there is an opportunity to become familiar with your 3D form within a 5D consciousness with a 6D overlay. As with many, you are uncomfortable with the adjusting frequencies and as you are encouraged to suspend, to become lightness, you are trying to remain where you are vibrationally. You are doing your best to grasp onto your 3D consciousness, still trying to see everything through that lens not wanting to give up the way you’ve always done ‘it.’
There are many that want something new and different but want to continue to think and behave as they always have – waiting for it to be created ‘out there’ in order to be able to just step into it and expect everything to be different. One of the layers of the multitude of 2’s in the 2-2-2024 beginning of this upgrade is being able to see your self through your projections onto the screen of an other. The 3D lens sees the other as doing something unrelated to your self and it is interpreted as attack, conflict, disharmony. The 5D lens sees an interaction as being an outcome that is resonant with your self. The 3D lens perceives an other as behaving badly and needing to change in order for you to feel better. The 5D lens acknowledges that what is perceived as an unpleasant interaction is the result of your own frequency. This allows you to recognize that what you are vibrating/feeling/ thinking is meant to be empowering because it is within your control to manage. This is an element of lightness as you are no longer efforting into controlling the world around you. You begin to see things from the inside out, understanding that the outside in is a gauge of your internal world rather than the determinant of it. It is an opportunity to utilize the rainbow bridging elements of your self which have been encouraged (this is explained in a different excerpt to come). To delve into this practically, choose a situation you find problematic. Identify what descriptors you would use to label how you are feeling and what you are blaming an other for (this can be an individual or a group, which would include the government. Then sense into where this judgment relates to the experience of your self with your Self. Feel or think into where you are in conflict with fully being able to love and accept your self and being afforded the opportunity to see it on the screen to allow for the connection you desire within your self. In 3D consciousness the initial step is to go into blame of the other or the self. Blame of the other includes they are so selfish, attacking, thoughtless, or whatever labels may be applied. Blame of the self may include: I’m too nice, or I don’t have boundaries, or I allow others to take advantage of me or similar type statements. Know that this part of the process is important and useful to see it through this lens as it is a part of the process of self discovery and evolving. The awareness is not to get stuck in the loop of blame. The next step involves asking the beneficial question of “Why am I having this experience?” In 5D consciousness you understand that the perceived power struggle with another is actually due to a power struggle within aspects of your self. Once that is realized then it is well within your capacity to shift and change this. In tun it alters your frequency allowing you to resonate with these shifted frequencies with an other (or group). For example, experiencing someone else as selfish may be a conflict within your self of affording your self the time to do or be what it is you want; feeling disrespected may reflect the consistent disregard you have for your own intuition, inspiration and feelings; feeling attacked may be a symptom of personal negative self talk, beliefs and behaviours. It is for you to determine why you are having that experience as it is always going to be because you have an opportunity to move into a more fulfilling way of being. The experience occurs through the door that is most open to assist you in taking the next step. It may not feel as if it is a helpful or supportive occurrence, however, in 5D and beyond, there is no judgment of good or bad but rather only opportunities for expansion. You allow your self to see what is happening from a multidimensional experience bringing it into 3D form. With practice you begin to become more adept at having more of the experiences you desire because you are learning that your own vibration is the key to everything. It is no longer about being on the alert searching and testing for the things you dislike and want to avoid in an other or a situation, as this brings to you those very things. Instead, you understand that living the life you want is becoming/being the very things you want and then experiencing the very same with an other(s). You incarnated at this time to be a creator within, and of, the ‘Grand Changement.’ The new world is created by truly seeing your s(S)elf relative to your world in new ways. You are still the very unique expression of you, however, in enhanced and more satisfying ways. (An excerpt from the Loveling Chronicles which are a series of inspired writings in response to one individual’s questionings and desirings. The One speak to all who may resonate with the message which has been enhanced from the original for a broader audience.)
An Opening In The Clouds 11-11-22 was one of those lovely openings amidst what may seem, at times, as onerous heavy, destructive, and chaotic energy. A day that, at it’s core, is about freedom. These times have been, and continue to be, challenging. The ascension of your self, the collective and the planet from 3D to 4D to 5D has been a test in endurance, hope, the willingness to change and so much more.
If you have been struggling with illness, physical symptoms, financial stress, relationship turmoil and/or times of wanting to give up, know that you are not alone. So many have chosen to exit rather than endure this monumental transition. You are brave and courageous for continuing to show up each day in the best way that you can. You may have sensed a bit of lightening that occurred on the 11th. Do not be dismayed if you felt as if you missed it, as it is still there for you. It was a reprieve and energetic acknowledgement, from our multidimensional selves and beings, of your focus upon making things better regardless of the circumstances. This involves a key element of the shift, which is to believe and focus upon that which isn’t even in existence yet. It involves hoping for that which you desire when it still hasn’t arrived. It involves fully enjoying that which does materialize out of the Field. Nurture your imagination and let it thrive. With this opening, you may have seen an element of what you have been wanting come into being or have a sense that it’s closer than ever before. If it doesn’t quite feel that way to you yet, it is coming. More than ever, it’s important to hold steady and keep your attention upon your dreams. Do your best to treat any unpleasant current reality as capable of change because it is and it will. One of the ways to deal with this ‘opening’ energy is to be sure to expand your space of receptivity. Often when things are going well, it’s common to then sabotage the situation (even if it happens subconsciously). You may have noticed that the better it gets the more the expectation that something bad is going to happen. This may mean that you try to control what you believe is the certainty of something bad happening by pre-empting it by ‘making’ something bad happen. This can start simply by noticing something that you think is wrong with your self or something external to you and allowing it to snowball from there. This may mean that you find your self in a dispute with someone, getting a speeding ticket, stubbing your toe or whatever level it may escalate to in order to satisfy the need to be back into the pattern of the familiar past. Expand the space by allowing for the better it gets, the better it gets or to expect the best. Envision your self receiving the love, abundance, caring, kindness, enjoyment or whatever it may be and then see your self as some sort of vessel increasing in size or dimension to allow for even more. There’s a traditional concept that suggests that in order to allow something new to enter that you need to empty out your cup first. It suggests that you have a fixed capacity for what you can receive. This is somewhat limited as what really is possible is that you have the potential to be a receiver of an endless supply of love and abundance as you are. You are a magnificent being in this moment, not when or if you ‘improve.’ There is nothing wrong with evolving and wanting to be more or better when it comes from a space of love. It’s limiting if it comes from fear which exhibits as thoughts of ‘I’m not good enough’, ‘I’ll never be able to get what I want’, ‘That was so stupid, why did I do that’, ‘I should have known better’, ‘I’m a doormat’ or whatever the story might be. Be patient and gentle with your self if you noticed any resistance to this concept and the need to fight for or prove your limitations in the negation of the concept that you are worthy to have what you want as you are. You are expansive beyond measure and loved as you are by your Core Essence and the Beings that are with you. Breathe into the knowing of this, or start with the hope that this is so. The Problem & the Solution are in Different Frequencies Your Core Essence, your Higher Self, your Soul (whatever term resonates with you) is wise and has access to unlimited knowing and connection. You have the ability to tap into the answers to the questions that you are asking. This may not always seem evident because you may feel as if you are asking and asking and yet it doesn’t feel as if anything is forthcoming. Know that if you are asking and seeking then it is in response to the invitation your Core Essence is extending toward you to move into a different space. You are being called to move into alignment of self to Self to All to facilitate your ongoing expansion.
One of the reasons for feeling as if the answers aren’t readily available is because the problem and the solution are in different frequencies. In the moment of asking, the answer is there, however, it may not be apparent because you may not be in the space of the resolution yet. It may even be the case where something pops into your head right after you ask but you easily dismiss it because it seems implausible, too easy, unrelated or whatever reason you come up with for pushing it away. Essentially, you are not in resonance with the answer yet. You are not in sync with the Whole of you and of All. This may lead you to feel that you are doing something wrong, that you are not intuitive, that you are stuck. Continuing to look in the direction of the undesirable situation - why did I do that, how do I make it better, why did they say that, what can I do, I feel awful, why aren’t they talking to me, why isn’t this getting better, I’ll never get this, they’ll never change, I’m such an idiot - perpetuates the maintenance of remaining in the space of the unpleasant frequency. The key to move beyond these thoughts and feelings is to allow your self to move into the vibration where the solutions live. It means you’ve got to take your attention off of anything that feels negative related to the situation and begin nourishing your self with thoughts that feel better. This creates an allowance for something different than where you’ve just been. The tendency is to not do this consciously but rather as a response to a dramatic and/or traumatic life altering event such as an ending of a relationship, job or an illness. It becomes nearly impossible to continue as one did. How much ‘easier,’ to instead, create the shift through awareness and conscious choices. However, no judgment for your self, if the change comes through the former. Your Self and all conspiring forces/ beings will assist you in getting to where you want to be in the most readily available manner (resonance) at any given moment. In the quantum world, the Field is comprised of waves/frequencies. Whatever it is that you put your attention upon collapses into particles, into matter and into experiences. If that space is not one that you are enjoying then it is useful to take your attention off of that in order for the particles to become waves once again and place your self back into the field of possibilities. Intentionally, place your attention elsewhere in order to collapse the waves into a different experience. If your attention continues to be placed upon a situation which is problematic, even if it is the continual desire for a solution, then the focus is still problem oriented in the familiar past and you keep your self from a new destiny. It is important and necessary to step away from the constant analysis, searching, and quest for what to do regarding the difficult situation in order to collapse the wave function in a different portion of the Field. Do not be dismayed if you experience a bit of chaos as the energy bonds begin to weaken and come back to you with the potential of creating a new field of energy, the Unified Field, with which to create. Shifting your attention elsewhere can be facilitated through meditation or contemplative thinking, essentially anything that allows your self to move into a space of receptivity. Another way to put this is to create allowance for your situation to move back into the space of possibilities. Utilizing sound or music that is at an alpha or theta frequency can assist in facilitating moving into this space more easily. It is common for many individuals to ask, ask, and search but not allow space and time to receive that for which they are seeking. Use whatever method or modality that seems to work best for you at any given point in time to help you shift into the space of opening and allowance. Initially, even focussing on something that distracts you from attending to the problem can be a useful bridge to transition into a different space from which to view a possible solution. In that bridging space may appear the steps to deal with any resistance or limitations from fully moving into the space of your desirings. You are fully capable of doing this. Your mind and being are powerful. You can consciously choose that with which you nourish your mind, heart, body, and spirit. Be gentle and patient with your self as you practice ‘feeding’ your self with attention bytes that are life giving to you. Remember it is not about where you think you should be but rather about where you want or desire to be. Remove any judgment regarding where you are. Everything you have been and done has led you to this moment, here and now. You are perfectly posited to move even closer or right into that which you want to feel and be most at this point in time. Do your best to become comfortable with the state of being given to, supported and loved for you are worthy of this and so much more. This is so All-ways! The Tension of Potential The energy of the day is one of potential, even though it may feel more like tension, anxiety, discouragement or fear. Don’t worry if you’re reading this after the post date as chances are the energetics will still apply for whenever you do happen to read this as the energy has been in this state for a few days now and will likely continue.
This period of time is one of those choice/ turning points. There is a tension between the familiar whisperings of the past wanting you to turn back to what was, the way you were (even though you may not really be interested in the same old, same old anymore) and the gentle to earnest urging of what is there to be, in potentia, but not yet apparent in the present (as it may appear as if you are looking into a mist or fog). In that between space of desired potential there is a greater than ever opportunity to more consciously choose and allow the direction of your thoughts and ensuing experiences. This is a time, more than ever, to believe that you can shape your future into the experiences that you want most. It is possible to start now even though it may feel or appear as if there are too many resistances or even a sense of apathy. The focus is on allowing that which is there ready for you. It is a time of receptivity. Even though you may not have a clear vision of what you want or what is to come, you know how you want to feel. Focus on that. There are a few different modalities that encourage you to hold in thought and feeling that which you want for 33 or 34 seconds at a time. Do your best to envision what you want and to feel it to whatever extent that you can for that amount of time. If that seems impossible then start with as many seconds as you can and build it up to eventually even longer than that. Practice this as best as possible and know that this will translate into desired outcomes. If that does not seem doable, for now, then do your best to focus on expanding your ability to receive. You may see your self as a vessel that knows no boundaries nor limitations. It does not matter how much is poured in as there is always room for more. Do that in whatever manner is available to you. It will assist in decreasing the space between where you are now and where you would like to be. Any resistances you may feel will be about having a limit to the amount of love, light and abundance that you are willing and/or comfortable receiving. It is about willing to see your self as the wondrous being that you are. It is not about self blame or doubt, but rather knowing that it is possible to use your free choice and will to empower your self when you feel ready. There isn’t only one shot or opportunity to ‘get it.’ Circumstances will continue to present themselves of which you can take advantage. All forces will continue to conspire in support of where you direct your energy. You are encouraged to continue to acknowledge what you want. Continue to practice putting attention upon that, for that is of which your experiences are shaped. Curate carefully what you allow into your realm of focus as you navigate the in between spaces of what was and what is there to be. Symptoms of Transformational Energies Some current happenings for a number of individuals inspired me to tune into the energy of today which is actually a continuation and building of energies that have been in place for months now (and will go on for a while).
It continues to be interesting times of yet more shiftings and openings. The application of even more love being focussed upon Gaia and her beings creates a variety of responses and ‘symptoms.’ This may or may not resonate with you depending on where you are in the evolvement relative to the current energies. If one were to look at a petri dish of molecules, it’s as if the substance the molecules are in has sped up in frequency and the particles are doing their best not to collide. The molecules haven’t harmonized or found their synchronization yet within the surrounding substance. It may feel very chaotic, where things don’t quite align, or seem as if they are going to and then don’t. This results in either colliding energies or near misses, whether that be emotionally (eg relationship struggles with self or other), mentally (eg recurring or resurfacing thought patterns) or physically (eg illness or physical challenges) or it may be actually where physical collisions (or nearly) are occurring. Some of the denser qualities of our beings are ‘catching up’ with the multitude of changes that have been, are, and will continue to occur. It’s not a time to blame your self for not getting it, or doing something wrong, or whatever story you may be telling your self for why things are not turning out in the way that you want at the moment, or they are and then all of a sudden they’re not. The best approach is to allow more love into your being and your life in order to increase your own frequency to be more in line with your Core Essence and the transforming energy of life (the substance the particles are currently in). How much of the positive end of the spectrum of experience are you willing to receive? It involves a certain amount of trust to allow your self to speed up to harmonize with the transforming energies without trying to analyze it to death first. The acceleration of the energy is being applied as gently as possible but faster than it’s ever been before. We’re not used to it yet. Be gentle with your self and those around you. Nourish your heart, mind, body and full being well with as much love as you can each and every day. You will continue to expand as does the energetic space in which you, and all of us, are. This is the fabric of what may be termed magic and miracles are made. Ascension Symptoms If you are experiencing physical, mental and/or emotional symptoms that don’t seem to be associated with any particular physical ailment or cause, then it could be related to ascension symptoms. Even if some of them are associated with an illness or cause that has recently appeared, then it may be related to an acceleration of your evolvement. The information provided is from a variety of other dimension sources (much of it Pleiadian & Arcturian) and provides a very basic brief overview of what might be happening for you. Today marks the opening of a portal which may begin the easing of any unpleasantness that you might be experiencing as more help is available and it will be easier to release what no longer serves you.
The planet and its inhabitants are undergoing a major transition into a whole new way of being. This shift involves many levels and layers of transformation. You are entering the world of 5D consciousness while your 3D beingness is being integrated within that. This means shifting from a carbon based structure into a more crystalline based one in order to ground more deeply into the Earth’s crystalline structure while being able to open to higher frequency energy. Your DNA strands are being activated which may include all 12 or more. This may cause remembrances of other times and iterations of your being in this dimension and others. It may also mean the discovery or enhancement of a variety of energetic abilities. One of the accelerant ascension energies is plasma light energy. This plasma light energy is more akin to the earth energy of fire, where as, typical ascension energy is more like air. The plasma energy is felt more intensely as it accelerates the processes within the body and mind. The presence, and application, of this energy to the planet has increased recently. In turn, the combination of all of these factors could result in your experience of a number of unpleasant physical symptoms which may be dependent upon which chakra(s) may need more clearing and activation, as well as a number of other factors. The heart chakra is one of the primary areas, which results in a wide variety of heart and thymus sensations. One of the most common ones is an erratic heart beat for no known reason. However, symptoms can be experienced in all parts of the body. A few of the common symptoms include (but are not limited to, as this is but a small sampling): spinal issues and back pain, including the neck; headaches, head pressure, dizziness and sinus issues; random muscle aches, pains, spasming, burning sensations, tingling, and numbness. If you feel that this may apply to you, then it is encouraged to explore more information as there are many sources that discuss all of this in greater depth as this is a very complex and multilayered topic. The purpose of all of this is to enable you to be able to receive, hold and process more love and light than ever before. It is part of shifting from pain, suffering and negativity to more joy, pleasure, interest and love in your daily life. It is facilitating the recognition of your own divine essence and to hold your self in love and compassion. It also means creating your life with more ease and satisfaction, as well as, assisting, and sharing this space with others who are interested in the same. The life you have been living no longer quite fits anymore. The expansion of your beingness may include some very unpleasant side effects which may leave you feeling fearful, anxious, or as if you are losing your mind. You’re not. This all has a purpose. Be gentle with your self. Attend to what you are putting into your body in all forms, that is, everything from the food you eat to whatever it is you put your attention upon. It is a time for self nurturing, opening to the assistance of others and Others. You are not doing this alone. We are not doing this alone. Gaia is not doing this alone. There are other dimension beings who are directly involved in this ascension process with all of us. There are Beings who love you deeply who you can call upon for assistance whenever you want or like. You have chosen to be here for this monumental shift, and you are meant to celebrate with All. Be in Love With what did you fill in the title – ‘Be in love with _____?’ Many may feel this concept silly or feel discomfort in the exploration of it, however, are you in love with you? Do you delight and revel in the expression of your core essence? This is one of the most important loves that you can foster and nurture in this lifetime. From this love stems all others as it is directly related to your love for All and Others (Universal Source energy and other dimension beings). This is the space of deep connection, knowingness, worthiness, and endless possibilities of your multidimensional being. This then extends to the love of those that journey with you on this plane. When you are in the space of happiness, joy, fulfillment, pleasure, interest or compassion, then you are in the loving space of self with Self. It always feels good when your self is congruent with your Self which is connected to All and Others. This is the space that it would be most useful to trust as your guidance to moving in the direction of evolvement and expansion. If it feels good, then you’re heading in the best direction for you at that time. If it feels bad then you’re moving away from that synchronistic state of connection and ease into resistance and limitation. It’s a simple, but often mistrusted, key to creating a life of your desirings rather than your fears. Chances are you have become conditioned to believing that getting what you want takes time, effort and struggle. You need to earn it or else there’s something wrong. If it came easily, then that can’t be right and you’re going to need to pay somewhere else along the line. You are now in a time when that is all shifting. Those old beliefs of struggle, earning and deservedness are creating even more dissonance and dissatisfaction then ever before. In the transition to a much more enjoyable way of creating your life, there may still be questioning around happiness lasting, and resulting in that which becomes your most consistent and common state of being. However, the more you can shift your attention from the ‘old ways’ the happier and easier your life becomes. It starts to feel like magic. Do not doubt that you are a magical being with the ability to bring into experience, along with your spiritual entourage, a life beyond your best imaginings. Do You Know Who You Are?
Life is Meant to be Fun Many of you have been unwinding from the tensions of constrictions of long held bindings. There has been a sense of gravitas regarding this life that hasn’t been warranted. Fully living as your multidimensional self is about lightness and flexibility as you morph, expand, and evolve. What is possible can be met with expectant delight, knowing that you are meant to be pleased with your creations. Seriousness creates resistances, where as playful, curious discovery and exploration creates ease. You have been conditioned to take life seriously, face reality, get real, finish your homework first and then go out to play. All this has done is taught you that life isn’t fun and you have to earn your pleasure, and that you should feel guilty if you do experience enjoyment without putting in an effort first. As you’re learning, it goes counter to how manifestation actually occurs. The more you are attuned to your s(S)elf and All then the more enjoyable, fun, pleasurable, interesting, and fulfilling life is. It’s supposed to be that way, that easy.
Until it can consistently be that way for you, be aware of when you start to feel like you have to work for it, make it happen or get serious. You do not need to do more other than to allow Us more. We got this, ‘this’ being the spaces where you think you need to push, force, move more. Those are actually the places where it would be advantageous to allow. You will know that you are heading toward struggle as you begin to feel more doubtful, frustrated, and pessimistic. Typically, that has been a trigger to find the external source for this displeasure and in turn continue to perpetuate what is ‘wrong’ by looking for what is missing. You will always find for what you are looking. We remind you to look for what is well, interesting, curious, pleasurable, loving, calming, and satisfying. Keep expecting to see these things. It's a habit to see otherwise. You think you need to wear the glasses you've become conditioned to putting on, even though they impair your vision of your life and how life, as a whole, works. Notice when you are getting serious and heading toward displeasure. Disarm your self with the weaponry to do ‘harm’ to your wellbeing when you are attempting to constrict your sense of connectivity to your s(S)elf. This will feel unpleasant every single time, resulting in unpleasant experiences. The more you begin to notice, the more you’ll be encouraged that your attunement and your focus really are the key to everything. Take note, in order to explore, of where in your thoughts and/or body you may feel the resistance toward what is being expressed in this writing. In the meantime moments, as this tends to be a process on the human being level, acknowledge how far you’ve come. Do not let your self perseverate on what you feel is still not far enough, what is lacking, why you aren’t ‘there’ yet. This will not serve you well in any way, shape, or form. Step lightly, see gladly, listen expectantly, feel fully and continue to be wondrous just as you are in this moment, and the next, and the next…….. The Importance of Sensuality within Spirituality Within spirituality the tendency is to focus upon connection with other dimension energies and beings. However, the concept of multidimensionality encompasses all levels of your being. It is important for your overall ongoing evolvement to connect with your physical self and enjoy the fact that you sense on many different levels, including the Earth plane.
Sensuality is often just associated with sexual pleasure. However, it is just one of the many ways that you may experience physical delight. As a human being you are in a biological form that senses and interacts with a multitude of vibrational expressions. Your body may be able to translate frequencies through sight, sound, smell, taste, touch and intuition and the ensuing meaning associated with these vibrations. It is one of the unique aspects of being a person on this planet and one of the many reasons you chose to be here. Unfortunately, the concept of being sensual has often taken on negative connotations, that in some way, it is the lesser of your self. It has often been encouraged to deny or deprive oneself of things that are enjoyable. There are many practices that suggest one can get closer to their Being of Faith through sacrificing foods or enjoyable activities in order to subjugate the physical self. This suggests that your physicality is not to be trusted and a potential deterrent to spiritual evolvement. Nothing could be further from the truth, as that which is pleasurable and feels good to the senses, enhances the attunement of self to Self to All. Fully delight in your awareness of your senses and the pleasurable aspects that flow from this knowing. It is common to feel more connected and loving to s(S)elf, others and All when you are enjoying the pulsing colours of the dancing northern lights, or the sweet juiciness of a fresh peach, or the gentle caress of a warm sultry breeze, or the morning song of a meadowlark, or the sense of feeling love, or whatever it is that feels pleasurable to any of your senses. Those moments of a sense of connectivity and oneness are très chère. By trying to make your body the enemy, it limits your ability to fully encompass your multidimensionality. It makes it more challenging than it needs to be to function within your wholeness on a daily basis. As with all things, it is important to make a distinction of whether what is being physically sought through the senses comes from a stream of fear or love. The former, due to the associated behaviours, may reinforce judgments around the body being in opposition to the self, which is worthy of a different discussion. It may be worthwhile to explore your thoughts and feelings on whether you are comfortable fully expressing and receiving through your senses. This may assist in enhancing your concept of your self to Self to All and your interaction with others. You are always an energy being. You came here to experience some version of being in a physical form as part of your evolvement as a spiritual being. Fully appreciate your physicality, as it is in this moment, knowing that it is also one of the routes to a sense of unity, connection and oneness. Do your best to enjoy the many facets of your multidimensionality in regard to this part of your energetic journey. |
Elaine Jagielski
February 2024
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