Multidimensionality & DNA UPGRADES You have just begun another DNA upgrade. It is allowing you to more easily tune into your multidimensionality as it expresses through this density. One of the effects is that in each moment there is an opportunity to become familiar with your 3D form within a 5D consciousness with a 6D overlay. As with many, you are uncomfortable with the adjusting frequencies and as you are encouraged to suspend, to become lightness, you are trying to remain where you are vibrationally. You are doing your best to grasp onto your 3D consciousness, still trying to see everything through that lens not wanting to give up the way you’ve always done ‘it.’
There are many that want something new and different but want to continue to think and behave as they always have – waiting for it to be created ‘out there’ in order to be able to just step into it and expect everything to be different. One of the layers of the multitude of 2’s in the 2-2-2024 beginning of this upgrade is being able to see your self through your projections onto the screen of an other. The 3D lens sees the other as doing something unrelated to your self and it is interpreted as attack, conflict, disharmony. The 5D lens sees an interaction as being an outcome that is resonant with your self. The 3D lens perceives an other as behaving badly and needing to change in order for you to feel better. The 5D lens acknowledges that what is perceived as an unpleasant interaction is the result of your own frequency. This allows you to recognize that what you are vibrating/feeling/ thinking is meant to be empowering because it is within your control to manage. This is an element of lightness as you are no longer efforting into controlling the world around you. You begin to see things from the inside out, understanding that the outside in is a gauge of your internal world rather than the determinant of it. It is an opportunity to utilize the rainbow bridging elements of your self which have been encouraged (this is explained in a different excerpt to come). To delve into this practically, choose a situation you find problematic. Identify what descriptors you would use to label how you are feeling and what you are blaming an other for (this can be an individual or a group, which would include the government. Then sense into where this judgment relates to the experience of your self with your Self. Feel or think into where you are in conflict with fully being able to love and accept your self and being afforded the opportunity to see it on the screen to allow for the connection you desire within your self. In 3D consciousness the initial step is to go into blame of the other or the self. Blame of the other includes they are so selfish, attacking, thoughtless, or whatever labels may be applied. Blame of the self may include: I’m too nice, or I don’t have boundaries, or I allow others to take advantage of me or similar type statements. Know that this part of the process is important and useful to see it through this lens as it is a part of the process of self discovery and evolving. The awareness is not to get stuck in the loop of blame. The next step involves asking the beneficial question of “Why am I having this experience?” In 5D consciousness you understand that the perceived power struggle with another is actually due to a power struggle within aspects of your self. Once that is realized then it is well within your capacity to shift and change this. In tun it alters your frequency allowing you to resonate with these shifted frequencies with an other (or group). For example, experiencing someone else as selfish may be a conflict within your self of affording your self the time to do or be what it is you want; feeling disrespected may reflect the consistent disregard you have for your own intuition, inspiration and feelings; feeling attacked may be a symptom of personal negative self talk, beliefs and behaviours. It is for you to determine why you are having that experience as it is always going to be because you have an opportunity to move into a more fulfilling way of being. The experience occurs through the door that is most open to assist you in taking the next step. It may not feel as if it is a helpful or supportive occurrence, however, in 5D and beyond, there is no judgment of good or bad but rather only opportunities for expansion. You allow your self to see what is happening from a multidimensional experience bringing it into 3D form. With practice you begin to become more adept at having more of the experiences you desire because you are learning that your own vibration is the key to everything. It is no longer about being on the alert searching and testing for the things you dislike and want to avoid in an other or a situation, as this brings to you those very things. Instead, you understand that living the life you want is becoming/being the very things you want and then experiencing the very same with an other(s). You incarnated at this time to be a creator within, and of, the ‘Grand Changement.’ The new world is created by truly seeing your s(S)elf relative to your world in new ways. You are still the very unique expression of you, however, in enhanced and more satisfying ways. (An excerpt from the Loveling Chronicles which are a series of inspired writings in response to one individual’s questionings and desirings. The One speak to all who may resonate with the message which has been enhanced from the original for a broader audience.)
Elaine Jagielski
February 2024
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