The Problem & the Solution are in Different Frequencies Your Core Essence, your Higher Self, your Soul (whatever term resonates with you) is wise and has access to unlimited knowing and connection. You have the ability to tap into the answers to the questions that you are asking. This may not always seem evident because you may feel as if you are asking and asking and yet it doesn’t feel as if anything is forthcoming. Know that if you are asking and seeking then it is in response to the invitation your Core Essence is extending toward you to move into a different space. You are being called to move into alignment of self to Self to All to facilitate your ongoing expansion.
One of the reasons for feeling as if the answers aren’t readily available is because the problem and the solution are in different frequencies. In the moment of asking, the answer is there, however, it may not be apparent because you may not be in the space of the resolution yet. It may even be the case where something pops into your head right after you ask but you easily dismiss it because it seems implausible, too easy, unrelated or whatever reason you come up with for pushing it away. Essentially, you are not in resonance with the answer yet. You are not in sync with the Whole of you and of All. This may lead you to feel that you are doing something wrong, that you are not intuitive, that you are stuck. Continuing to look in the direction of the undesirable situation - why did I do that, how do I make it better, why did they say that, what can I do, I feel awful, why aren’t they talking to me, why isn’t this getting better, I’ll never get this, they’ll never change, I’m such an idiot - perpetuates the maintenance of remaining in the space of the unpleasant frequency. The key to move beyond these thoughts and feelings is to allow your self to move into the vibration where the solutions live. It means you’ve got to take your attention off of anything that feels negative related to the situation and begin nourishing your self with thoughts that feel better. This creates an allowance for something different than where you’ve just been. The tendency is to not do this consciously but rather as a response to a dramatic and/or traumatic life altering event such as an ending of a relationship, job or an illness. It becomes nearly impossible to continue as one did. How much ‘easier,’ to instead, create the shift through awareness and conscious choices. However, no judgment for your self, if the change comes through the former. Your Self and all conspiring forces/ beings will assist you in getting to where you want to be in the most readily available manner (resonance) at any given moment. In the quantum world, the Field is comprised of waves/frequencies. Whatever it is that you put your attention upon collapses into particles, into matter and into experiences. If that space is not one that you are enjoying then it is useful to take your attention off of that in order for the particles to become waves once again and place your self back into the field of possibilities. Intentionally, place your attention elsewhere in order to collapse the waves into a different experience. If your attention continues to be placed upon a situation which is problematic, even if it is the continual desire for a solution, then the focus is still problem oriented in the familiar past and you keep your self from a new destiny. It is important and necessary to step away from the constant analysis, searching, and quest for what to do regarding the difficult situation in order to collapse the wave function in a different portion of the Field. Do not be dismayed if you experience a bit of chaos as the energy bonds begin to weaken and come back to you with the potential of creating a new field of energy, the Unified Field, with which to create. Shifting your attention elsewhere can be facilitated through meditation or contemplative thinking, essentially anything that allows your self to move into a space of receptivity. Another way to put this is to create allowance for your situation to move back into the space of possibilities. Utilizing sound or music that is at an alpha or theta frequency can assist in facilitating moving into this space more easily. It is common for many individuals to ask, ask, and search but not allow space and time to receive that for which they are seeking. Use whatever method or modality that seems to work best for you at any given point in time to help you shift into the space of opening and allowance. Initially, even focussing on something that distracts you from attending to the problem can be a useful bridge to transition into a different space from which to view a possible solution. In that bridging space may appear the steps to deal with any resistance or limitations from fully moving into the space of your desirings. You are fully capable of doing this. Your mind and being are powerful. You can consciously choose that with which you nourish your mind, heart, body, and spirit. Be gentle and patient with your self as you practice ‘feeding’ your self with attention bytes that are life giving to you. Remember it is not about where you think you should be but rather about where you want or desire to be. Remove any judgment regarding where you are. Everything you have been and done has led you to this moment, here and now. You are perfectly posited to move even closer or right into that which you want to feel and be most at this point in time. Do your best to become comfortable with the state of being given to, supported and loved for you are worthy of this and so much more. This is so All-ways!
The Tension of Potential The energy of the day is one of potential, even though it may feel more like tension, anxiety, discouragement or fear. Don’t worry if you’re reading this after the post date as chances are the energetics will still apply for whenever you do happen to read this as the energy has been in this state for a few days now and will likely continue.
This period of time is one of those choice/ turning points. There is a tension between the familiar whisperings of the past wanting you to turn back to what was, the way you were (even though you may not really be interested in the same old, same old anymore) and the gentle to earnest urging of what is there to be, in potentia, but not yet apparent in the present (as it may appear as if you are looking into a mist or fog). In that between space of desired potential there is a greater than ever opportunity to more consciously choose and allow the direction of your thoughts and ensuing experiences. This is a time, more than ever, to believe that you can shape your future into the experiences that you want most. It is possible to start now even though it may feel or appear as if there are too many resistances or even a sense of apathy. The focus is on allowing that which is there ready for you. It is a time of receptivity. Even though you may not have a clear vision of what you want or what is to come, you know how you want to feel. Focus on that. There are a few different modalities that encourage you to hold in thought and feeling that which you want for 33 or 34 seconds at a time. Do your best to envision what you want and to feel it to whatever extent that you can for that amount of time. If that seems impossible then start with as many seconds as you can and build it up to eventually even longer than that. Practice this as best as possible and know that this will translate into desired outcomes. If that does not seem doable, for now, then do your best to focus on expanding your ability to receive. You may see your self as a vessel that knows no boundaries nor limitations. It does not matter how much is poured in as there is always room for more. Do that in whatever manner is available to you. It will assist in decreasing the space between where you are now and where you would like to be. Any resistances you may feel will be about having a limit to the amount of love, light and abundance that you are willing and/or comfortable receiving. It is about willing to see your self as the wondrous being that you are. It is not about self blame or doubt, but rather knowing that it is possible to use your free choice and will to empower your self when you feel ready. There isn’t only one shot or opportunity to ‘get it.’ Circumstances will continue to present themselves of which you can take advantage. All forces will continue to conspire in support of where you direct your energy. You are encouraged to continue to acknowledge what you want. Continue to practice putting attention upon that, for that is of which your experiences are shaped. Curate carefully what you allow into your realm of focus as you navigate the in between spaces of what was and what is there to be. Symptoms of Transformational Energies Some current happenings for a number of individuals inspired me to tune into the energy of today which is actually a continuation and building of energies that have been in place for months now (and will go on for a while).
It continues to be interesting times of yet more shiftings and openings. The application of even more love being focussed upon Gaia and her beings creates a variety of responses and ‘symptoms.’ This may or may not resonate with you depending on where you are in the evolvement relative to the current energies. If one were to look at a petri dish of molecules, it’s as if the substance the molecules are in has sped up in frequency and the particles are doing their best not to collide. The molecules haven’t harmonized or found their synchronization yet within the surrounding substance. It may feel very chaotic, where things don’t quite align, or seem as if they are going to and then don’t. This results in either colliding energies or near misses, whether that be emotionally (eg relationship struggles with self or other), mentally (eg recurring or resurfacing thought patterns) or physically (eg illness or physical challenges) or it may be actually where physical collisions (or nearly) are occurring. Some of the denser qualities of our beings are ‘catching up’ with the multitude of changes that have been, are, and will continue to occur. It’s not a time to blame your self for not getting it, or doing something wrong, or whatever story you may be telling your self for why things are not turning out in the way that you want at the moment, or they are and then all of a sudden they’re not. The best approach is to allow more love into your being and your life in order to increase your own frequency to be more in line with your Core Essence and the transforming energy of life (the substance the particles are currently in). How much of the positive end of the spectrum of experience are you willing to receive? It involves a certain amount of trust to allow your self to speed up to harmonize with the transforming energies without trying to analyze it to death first. The acceleration of the energy is being applied as gently as possible but faster than it’s ever been before. We’re not used to it yet. Be gentle with your self and those around you. Nourish your heart, mind, body and full being well with as much love as you can each and every day. You will continue to expand as does the energetic space in which you, and all of us, are. This is the fabric of what may be termed magic and miracles are made. |
Elaine Jagielski
February 2024
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