An Opening In The Clouds 11-11-22 was one of those lovely openings amidst what may seem, at times, as onerous heavy, destructive, and chaotic energy. A day that, at it’s core, is about freedom. These times have been, and continue to be, challenging. The ascension of your self, the collective and the planet from 3D to 4D to 5D has been a test in endurance, hope, the willingness to change and so much more.
If you have been struggling with illness, physical symptoms, financial stress, relationship turmoil and/or times of wanting to give up, know that you are not alone. So many have chosen to exit rather than endure this monumental transition. You are brave and courageous for continuing to show up each day in the best way that you can. You may have sensed a bit of lightening that occurred on the 11th. Do not be dismayed if you felt as if you missed it, as it is still there for you. It was a reprieve and energetic acknowledgement, from our multidimensional selves and beings, of your focus upon making things better regardless of the circumstances. This involves a key element of the shift, which is to believe and focus upon that which isn’t even in existence yet. It involves hoping for that which you desire when it still hasn’t arrived. It involves fully enjoying that which does materialize out of the Field. Nurture your imagination and let it thrive. With this opening, you may have seen an element of what you have been wanting come into being or have a sense that it’s closer than ever before. If it doesn’t quite feel that way to you yet, it is coming. More than ever, it’s important to hold steady and keep your attention upon your dreams. Do your best to treat any unpleasant current reality as capable of change because it is and it will. One of the ways to deal with this ‘opening’ energy is to be sure to expand your space of receptivity. Often when things are going well, it’s common to then sabotage the situation (even if it happens subconsciously). You may have noticed that the better it gets the more the expectation that something bad is going to happen. This may mean that you try to control what you believe is the certainty of something bad happening by pre-empting it by ‘making’ something bad happen. This can start simply by noticing something that you think is wrong with your self or something external to you and allowing it to snowball from there. This may mean that you find your self in a dispute with someone, getting a speeding ticket, stubbing your toe or whatever level it may escalate to in order to satisfy the need to be back into the pattern of the familiar past. Expand the space by allowing for the better it gets, the better it gets or to expect the best. Envision your self receiving the love, abundance, caring, kindness, enjoyment or whatever it may be and then see your self as some sort of vessel increasing in size or dimension to allow for even more. There’s a traditional concept that suggests that in order to allow something new to enter that you need to empty out your cup first. It suggests that you have a fixed capacity for what you can receive. This is somewhat limited as what really is possible is that you have the potential to be a receiver of an endless supply of love and abundance as you are. You are a magnificent being in this moment, not when or if you ‘improve.’ There is nothing wrong with evolving and wanting to be more or better when it comes from a space of love. It’s limiting if it comes from fear which exhibits as thoughts of ‘I’m not good enough’, ‘I’ll never be able to get what I want’, ‘That was so stupid, why did I do that’, ‘I should have known better’, ‘I’m a doormat’ or whatever the story might be. Be patient and gentle with your self if you noticed any resistance to this concept and the need to fight for or prove your limitations in the negation of the concept that you are worthy to have what you want as you are. You are expansive beyond measure and loved as you are by your Core Essence and the Beings that are with you. Breathe into the knowing of this, or start with the hope that this is so.
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Elaine Jagielski
February 2024
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